Yet another personal blog, destined to start strong and then fizzle.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Our curling club just hosted the Masters of Curling (officially the 'A Capital One Grand Slam of Curling Event: Masters of Curling). One of the many requirements was that they needed a volunteer to dress up in 40 lbs of foam rubber and prance around like a fool. For no particularly good reason, they thought of me.

Lots of fun, and hot as hades in there.

Grand Slam 2008

Saturday, November 8, 2008

No more fresh eggs

325 eggs later, and our chicken farming is done, at least for this year. Overall: a great experience, and we're eager to do it again next year. Next time we'll probably raise them from chicks, starting in January or so.

As for Butter, Marsala and Dumpling? Yes, I did the deed. Had some help from a farmer in the region. The slideshow isn't gory, but it is at your own risk.

Chicken Dinner

Dinner was tasty, though the chicken itself was rather chewy. I'm pretty sure I was over-careful, and roasted it too long...there isn't much meat on these birds.

No qualms about eating a bird I raised. As long as I'm going to remain an omnivore, I'd be a hypocrite to ignore that meat comes from living animals, and I'm convinced my hens lived a happier (and longer) life than the chicken you get at the supermarket. Plus I know that they were killed humanely. So I'm at peace with it.