Yet another personal blog, destined to start strong and then fizzle.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Soft eggs

After a three-egg Thursday (one with a double yolk!), this morning was a step backward.

Two bad eggs, one that was just an unformed piece of shell, the other fully formed, but with a very soft shell as you can see in the video. We had a few of these soft-shelled eggs last year. The egg inside seems fine, so we tend to cook it up into a treat for Brittany.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Three Egg Day

Our first three egg day of 2009. Truly, we are the greatest egg farmers on earth.

Three Egg Day

Friday, July 10, 2009


We got two eggs yesterday! Our best guess is that Ricki has now given us an egg 4 days in a row, and Guinness just gave us her first. Hopefully Stella will be inspired and we can get up to full production.

But are the eggs any good? Time for some science!

On the left, coming in at "medium" sized, I present to you a 6 day old, GMO free, free-run egg purchased through Bailey's Local Foods.

On the right, also coming in at "medium" sized, a 12 hour old egg, likely laid by our very own Guinness.

Crack them open, and what do we see?

The backyard yolk looks a little smaller, but mostly it is sitting up a little taller, so it takes up less width. Interestingly, I had to crack open three of the farmed eggs before I got one to stay intact. That fits with our experience from last year: the yolks from the backyard eggs seems to be a little stronger. Also note that the white from the backyard egg is a lot more viscous.

Into the buttery pan!

You can see again how the backyard white is quite a bit thicker, and is sticking together more. Also notice the different yolk colours.

Live action frying!

Over easy

Onto the plate

As you can see, I broke the yolk on the farmed egg on the way over.

Monday, July 6, 2009

First Egg 2009

Ricki gave us our first egg!

First Egg 2009

Looks like the girls pecked a hole in the narrow end of the egg...hopefully this isn't a habit. Some hens like to eat eggs, and that's just no good.